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Windows 8 To Manage Your Passwords For You


Windows 8 will bring a whole host of changes with it as we all know. Thanks to the new Metro UI, it’s inevitable that Windows 8 will find its way onto many a tablet once it’s released. As a result, this will probably mean that users will find themselves chopping and changing between their tablets and desktop PC’s quite a bit.

This will also mean that users personalised settings and passwords will also need to be manually entered for each system that you log into, or at least this used to be the case. With Windows 8, Microsoft are hoping to solve this issue that has always plagued users who work on multiple machines.

In their latest post over on the engineering Windows 8 blog, Microsoft has gone into lots of detail explaining how they are hoping to solve this age old problem. What they’ve devised is a built in credential manager in Windows 8.

It’s advised that you should have different complex passwords for every site that you log into. Of course this is easier said than done and lots of people use the same password for everything. But this new password manager in Windows 8, will allow you to store all these passwords and then fill them in automatically for you when you go to that site.

Of course they’ll be encrypted to prevent hackers from getting them, and all you’ll need is a single master password for Windows 8 and you’ll be able to use them all. Microsoft’s plan with Windows 8 is that users can log onto any Windows 8 machine with their Windows Live ID and all their details, settings and passwords will be automatically pulled down to that machine. This will hopefully save plenty of time and make things much more convenient for Windows users.

Obviously this feature will be optional as I’m sure that there’s many security concious users who won’t exactly be too comfortable having all their passwords stored in one place, but it’s nice to know that the feature is available

What do you guys think of it?

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Engineering Windows 8

View the original article here

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