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Synaptics Shows Off Touchpad Features in Windows 8


One of the things that I wish Windows had more support for was multi-finger gesture controls. I’m sure most of you have seen them all at some stage or another in Mac’s. The likes of 2 finger scrolling and pinch to zoom is so incredibly handy. While there actually has been some multitouch and gesture control support in some laptops which have multi-touch trackpads in Windows 7, it really isn’t too mainstream at the moment.

Microsoft have promised it’s coming, so hopefully we will see it rolling out properly in Windows 8 since Microsoft are moving towards touch more so than ever with the new Metro UI.

Major touchpad manufacturer Synaptics has demonstrated some examples of what we can expect from them once Windows 8 is released. As you will see from the video,  a lot of these multi touch features and gestures look completely natural and fluid. They’ve basically transformed the touchpad into a mini tablet screen.

touch 400x254 Synaptics Shows Off Touchpad Features in Windows 8

You’ll see towards the end of the video that Synaptics have even started experimenting with precision touch gestures which try and work out where abouts your fingers are on the touchpad in relation to objects on the screen, interacting just as a tablet screen would. Of course the difficulty here is that the touchpad is a lot smaller than your screen so it will be tricky to get the positioning right, but in fairness to Synaptics they seem to have it working pretty well.

You can have a look at these gesture controls in the video from Synaptics below

What do you think of them? Could you see yourself using them?

Let us know in the comments below


Synaptics via Techcrunch

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